Source code for ezhost.ServerBase

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Base class for all server class
from fabric.api import env

from ezhost.ServerAbstract import ServerAbstract
from ezhost.ServerLists import ServerLists
from ezhost.ServerCommand import ServerCommand

[docs]class DynamicImporter: """ Dynamic import module and call class """ def __init__(self, module_name, class_name, **kwargs): args = kwargs.get('args') configure = kwargs.get('configure') module_name = __import__(module_name) my_class = getattr(module_name, class_name) my_class(args, configure=configure).install()
[docs]class ServerBase(ServerAbstract): """ Server command bootstrap class """ def __init__(self, args, configure_obj, **kwargs): self.args = args self.configure_obj = configure_obj self.configure = kwargs.get('configure') # set common parameters self.server_type = self.args.server # parser parameters self._parse_parameters() # initial host self.init_host() # install self.install() def _parse_parameters(self): # set args from commmand parser if self.configure_obj is None: self.host_string = self.host_user = self.args.user self.host_passwd = self.args.passwd self.host_keyfile = self.args.keyfile # set args from config file parser else: try: self.host_string = self.configure_obj['host'] self.host_user = self.configure_obj['user'] except: raise KeyError('缺少必要的登录信息') try: self.host_keyfile = self.configure_obj['keyfile'] except: self.host_keyfile = None try: self.host_passwd = self.configure_obj['passwd'] except: self.host_passwd = None if self.host_passwd is None and self.host_keyfile is None: raise KeyError('缺少必要的登录信息')
[docs] def init_host(self): """ Initial host """ env.host_string = self.host_string env.user = self.host_user env.password = self.host_passwd env.key_filename = self.host_keyfile
[docs] def install(self): """ install the server """ try: if self.args.server is not None: server = ServerLists(self.server_type) DynamicImporter( 'ezhost',, args=self.args, configure=self.configure ) else: ServerCommand(self.args) except Exception as e: raise e